Thursday, June 22, 2006

False-Flag Black Operations

How many times have we heard of a crime committed by an unknown personality but which the authorities and the media blamed it on another person? Especially when that authority is the government itself and the media is controlled by that government or owned by those people behind the government that supports it and benefit from it as well. Perhaps you might tell that you did not know of anything of that sort. Or if ever you have any knowledge of something like that, at least it is of a petty crime.

However, throughout the history of mankind, at least the historical one, there have been many instances like that – and it was no petty crime at all, but some very sensational crimes; some even carved our history, which were never resolved or were covered-up. One turning point of history was the bombing of the World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2 and 7 in New York on September 11, 2001. No scientific or logical analyst could believe the official US government story that Muslim terrorists were behind the killings of thousands of people and destruction of those buildings. All the evidences point not to any Muslims, but it was an ‘inside-job’. Have you watched the movie Fahrenheit 9/11? Aside from those shown on that movie are still a lot more issues that can blame on the Muslims’ (or Islam’s) enemies - the Zionists and Christian fundamentalists like George W. Bush. Did you learn of the five dancing young Israelis on the top of their van not far from the scene caught merry-making while watching through telescopes the crumbling of WTC? That was a story of one lady who was amazed of what she saw of those young people. Take note that this 9/11 was the pretext of US’ attack and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq.

How about the Bali, Indonesia bombing? It was found that the bomb used in that resort (and also the Marriott Hotel bombing) was a mini nuke (a small nuclear bomb). And who do you think has the access to that kind of weaponry but the US and Israel. The Russians and the Chinese has not the motivations to terrorize or commit false-flag ops against Muslims. And France is also ruled by Zionism, and it is the same rulers of the US and Israel. Another nuclear-powered India and Pakistan are lapdogs of these same superpowers. The intelligence service of Pakistan, the ISI (the alleged financer or backer of Jamaah Islami), is CIA-controlled.

London bombing, Madrid bombing, Superferry bombing, Abu Sayyaf (CIA-baby too) bombings – all of these are false-flag ops against Muslims. They really hate Muslims and Islam – especially the super elites of them, because the ideology of Islam is a threat to their imperialist designs.

What about the almost-daily bombings of the innocent Iraqi civilians – including women and children? All of these are blamed on Al-Qaeda (isn’t Al-Qaeda a brainchild of US-CIA?), if it was aimed against the Shia Muslims; and on Shiites were it to be committed to the Sunnis. The aim is to sow dissension among the Muslims. You may not have heard of the two Britons caught in Iraq with bombs, who were later rescued from the Police station by heavily-armed men in powerfully-armored vehicles. There were also two Americans caught as well in Iraq with bombs too. And how many 'two operatives' not caught and successfully carried out their plots? And who knows, this 'Britons' or 'Americans' are actually Israeli Mossads? The truth of the matter is that these operatives of Zionism were the real culprits – Mossad, CIA, MI6, and some other mercenaries. Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda are only dummies for US’ war against Islam to further control the oil and the world.

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