Sunday, July 15, 2007

Enjoyment is Evil?

What I can say to all the youngsters whose life has been dedicated to so much fun and enjoyment in this world and been oblivious of the other purpose of life (that is, the consciousness of the life hereafter), is that they are going to die sooner or later, and that they are just absolutely being lured by the devil to lead a happy-go-lucky life.
You can say I am extremist, but no. I am myself into enjoyment of this life too and very far from the ideal life of self-restraint. I am only concern to those young ones who do not have interest to read or learn the spiritual aspect of life and contented already of his or her happy life. Does he or she know that after happiness it is followed by misery? Yes, and every difficulty it is followed by ease. So it is better to restrain ourselves here in this world of all the happiness created by the Devil - like wine, illegal sex, drugs, gambling, and some others we all know, so tha t in the final destination of life, we will have a good life we cannot imagine how nice it is.
As a food for thought, I will quote some personalities to support my ideals: the Prophet Muhammad said that "work for your life in this world as if you are going to die forever, but work for your life hereafter as if you are going to die tomorrow." Jesus Christ said that "it is better to weep than to laugh," and "it is better to fast than to feast." And Dr. Ali Shariati, the one admired by the legendary French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre, said: "I can never permit myself to spend a single instant of my life on personal happiness." This guy Dr. Shaiati lived a very fruitful life and died a martyr. He had wrote many books, including The History of the Future - amazing, he could tell what would be the history of the future. This book is really interesting and exciting.
Finally, the first commandment of Allah to mankind is READ. Read that you may know what would be best for yourself, books and articles written by great people to be great like them, and not to be a mean person like just anybody else who are contented and very much enjoying this trsansit life. "This world is a poison, only those ignorant of it swallow it." -Imam Ali

Friday, July 13, 2007

Veto Power and Democracy

Is there any democracy in a veto power? Democracy means ruling of the majority, but if the majority can be vetoed by the few elites it is no justice whatsoever. US is exporting its democratic ideals to other peoples of the world (it even enforce it against the will of the people, e.g., Iraq - which is very much in contrast with the principle of democracy).
However, in the United Nations there are five powerful nations that have veto powers. And the three (the US, Britain and France) are so-called proponents of Democracy, that is ironic. Veto power in the UN simply does not respect the will of the majority nations.
In the US, the President has the power to veto the ruling of the Congress. Therefore, the US has no right to boast its democracy around the world because it is the nation that has violated the most all the basics of democracy and human rights.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

US in Iraq

Since the US takeover of Iraq from the brutal regime of Saddam Hussein, the Iraqis were more suffering than ever. The Iraqis thought that they have been freed by the US (skeptically) from Saddam's repressive administration, however, the situation got much worse.
The US claim of the US attack Iraq was initially the link of Saddam with al-Qaeda, which was proven wrong. Afterwards, that Iraq has Weapons of Mass Destruction; again, it was a fabrication. Later, that it wants to establish democracy - by force?
Now, after 4 years the Iraqis are in shambles with all the bombings and killings everyday of their lives, and they want the US to pull out its (and its allies') troops from Iraq - but the US insists that Civil War will start when the troops pull out.
This is unbelievable. Security in Iraq at present is in its worst condition than ever. The US presence in Iraq has no capability to ease the situation but it makes it uncontrollable. And ever since, the Sunnis and the Shiites have been coexisting peacefully and harmoniously. . So the claim of the US of civil war upon their pullout is baseless.
Besides, it is a shame for the US, a 'superpower' at that, that it cannot contain the violence happening in Iraq, and it gets worse everyday right before their very eyes.
Actually, this is what they call the "good cop-bad cop approach". The US has an agent (al-Qaeda) to destabilize Iraq, and the US military will declare their stay in Iraq for security. What security? For whom?
The US cannot really do a damn thing. They should pull out of Iraq to save their soldiers' lives, and Iraqis too. Not to mention huge financial burdens for all concerned

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Hypertension, Diabetes & Fasting

Hypertension and diabetes are two of the most common diseases of mankind. These are usually caused by high cholesterol and triglyceride, and glucose level, respectively – in our blood vessels. So far, the best and natural treatment of these diseases is dieting.

More than 14 centuries ago, fasting has been prescribed by Allah to all the mature Muslims during the 30 days of the holy month of Ramadan every year. Moreover, it was a practice (sunnah) of the Pophet Muhammad to fast every Mondays and Thursdays of the week. Might this be considered as one of the scientific significance of Islam? Actually, fasting may be better than mere dieting in a sense that our organs will be given a time to metabolize and balance or stabilize its functions.

Fasting, instead of causing ulcer of the stomach according to others, can even cure the ulcer itself - as stated by some through their experience. One needs only to avoid acidic foods or drinks during sohoor (early-morning meal), including coffee and cigarettes, especially if the meal is meager. During fotoor (breaking of the fast at nightfall), we may eat even oranges or drink coffee or any sodas after enough meals were taken. This way, ulcer can be avoided,

Those who have hypertensions or diabetes, one need not dieting. Fasting regularly can do the job – besides it has reward in the Hereafter. In fact there may be other organs that can be repaired along the way – who knows. I am not a Medical Doctor, but the Prophet Muhammad himself was not harmed by fasting. The Prophet was even very strong that he had participated in many battles and came out victorious.

Times like this, bawal ang magkasakit. Fasting is good for your health - and your pocket.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Islamic Banking

As I understand of Banking, it is mainly mere lending of money to people and paid back with interest. Whereas the Islamic bank should be lending money to people without interest because that is prohibited in Islam. Nevertheless, how the Islamic bank can thrive without the interest. Who will invest on such a deal that is without a profit?
The experts say it’s profit-sharing of investors and the borrower, include the operational funding of the banks. There is also ‘risk-taking’ involved this way. Therefore the Muslim investors still resort to conventional capitalist system of banking, though only modified with a minimal interest, which is still a ribah in a strict sense.
In Islam, there is the so-called zakah and sadaqah system (that is, an obligatory and voluntary donation, respectively). In Shia Islam, there is even khums system which is very much the same with zakah and sadaqah but only a bigger amount of money given.
My point is, the Islamic bank should be lending money to poor or needy people so that they can have the capital to put up business or investments to better their lives - without interest. After paying the capital, and the people have made their lives economically and financially capable, they should be giving back the favor done to them by paying zakah/sadaqah/khums to the Bank, which needs funding to finance its operations and further help other needy people.
The bank, of course, should be checking first the viability of the project proposals or feasibility studies submitted by the borrowers to minimize the risks involved. There should be a systematic procedure to ensure that the investments are productive and viable so that the project will not be a failure.
This way, there would be more and more poor people helped and uplifted from their plight and consequently capable of giving donations, and lesser and lesser people would be needing help. Until there would be no more needy and everyone would then be giving zakah/sadaqah/khums to the bank as a funding for any eventuality.
Hence, the bank should be a public/government-operated agency and not supposed to be a private one. Therefore, it should no longer be called a bank anymore but I think it should be called a Treasury (Bayt al-Mal)
Banking should be abolished from the vocabulary of Muslims because there is no use anymore. It would be remembered only as the institution that has made poor poorer, and the rich richer.
Tax should also be mentioned here. Islam is about all aspects of human’s life. And taxation is like banking; it should be abolished and replaced with the Islamic system of zakah/sadaqah/khums.
This is the true Islamic system. There is no such thing as profit-sharing or risk-taking. Only to please Allah.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Why Shiaism?


Initially, it was very hard to accept or understand Shiaism. The first disagreeable concept I encountered during my earliest inquiry was that the First Caliph Abubakr was not supposed to be the first Leader/Caliph/Imam. To me, it is simply unbelievable. So I just shrugged off the thing about Shiaism. Perhaps there are some more other issues about Shiaism that I could not understand, but the Caliphate of Abubakr was enough for me to refrain from entertaining the explanation about Shiaism. I could not accept that the close friend of Rasulallah could have usurped the leadership of the Muslims after the death of the Prophet.
However, when I read the book of the foremost modern revolutionary thinker, Dr. Ali Shariati (Election or Selection), I happened to understand the conflict between the Shiites and the Sunnis. Consequently, I got interested to learn more about the issues of the Shia-Sunni differences. So I researched from both the books of the Shias and the Sunnis. The subjects I have come to understand and accept (then practiced) could not have been realized without my reading from the Sunni books itself.
For example, the combination of Zuhr and Asr prayers, and the Maghrib and Isha prayers. I have been a believer of Shiaism for some years before I performed the combining of prayers. It was because I have read from the Sahih al-Bukhari (the most authentic book of the Sunnis after the Holy Qur’an) that “the Prophet prayed Maghrib together with Isha without any reason at all.” This phrase is enough to convince me the truth of the Shia’s combining of prayers. “Without any reason at all” cannot be disputed anymore, regarding the combining of prayers.
The standing on prayers without the hands folded. Just the same with the combining of prayers, I did not practice the unfolding of hands years after I accepted the belief of Shiaism. I still followed the Sunni way. However, when I have read from the Qur’an itself that on praying, we have to stand straight, then it proved once again the claim of the Shiites. Straight means no folding of hands, just straight.
The Imamate. I have also read from the Sahih al-Bukhari that the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) said that there will be 12 leaders after him from the family of Quraish. Now, if we think of 12 leaders from his family, there is no school of thought in Islam with12 leaders but the 12 Imams of Ithna Ashari Shiites, no more than 12 nor less. Moreover, I have also happened to read prophesized from the Bible that there would be 12 Princes from the seed of Ishmael. And that further strengthened my belief of Imamate.
The temporary marriage or mut’ah, The Awaited Mahdi, etc. will be dealt with in the future.