Sunday, July 15, 2007

Enjoyment is Evil?

What I can say to all the youngsters whose life has been dedicated to so much fun and enjoyment in this world and been oblivious of the other purpose of life (that is, the consciousness of the life hereafter), is that they are going to die sooner or later, and that they are just absolutely being lured by the devil to lead a happy-go-lucky life.
You can say I am extremist, but no. I am myself into enjoyment of this life too and very far from the ideal life of self-restraint. I am only concern to those young ones who do not have interest to read or learn the spiritual aspect of life and contented already of his or her happy life. Does he or she know that after happiness it is followed by misery? Yes, and every difficulty it is followed by ease. So it is better to restrain ourselves here in this world of all the happiness created by the Devil - like wine, illegal sex, drugs, gambling, and some others we all know, so tha t in the final destination of life, we will have a good life we cannot imagine how nice it is.
As a food for thought, I will quote some personalities to support my ideals: the Prophet Muhammad said that "work for your life in this world as if you are going to die forever, but work for your life hereafter as if you are going to die tomorrow." Jesus Christ said that "it is better to weep than to laugh," and "it is better to fast than to feast." And Dr. Ali Shariati, the one admired by the legendary French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre, said: "I can never permit myself to spend a single instant of my life on personal happiness." This guy Dr. Shaiati lived a very fruitful life and died a martyr. He had wrote many books, including The History of the Future - amazing, he could tell what would be the history of the future. This book is really interesting and exciting.
Finally, the first commandment of Allah to mankind is READ. Read that you may know what would be best for yourself, books and articles written by great people to be great like them, and not to be a mean person like just anybody else who are contented and very much enjoying this trsansit life. "This world is a poison, only those ignorant of it swallow it." -Imam Ali

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