Saturday, October 21, 2006

On Temporary Marriage (Mut'ah)

I have read about some virtues of mut’ah, or the temporary marriage, and its legitimacy in Islam, and I found them quite logical and convincing. And to further support those propositions, there is one instance I have come across that’s worth mentioning. There is this young Muslim lady who is divorced and with three children. She is an accountant and a lawyer by profession. Over the internet, she said that she does not need a man to help her support her children because she had a trust in Allah, that Allah will surely help her to raise her children. That’s quite right and a must.

Later, on the issue of mut’ah, she said that she is against mut’ah because it is unfair for a woman; that when the woman gets old, there is no man with him (that means to look after her, or care for her or for whatsoever reasons). Whereas the man can just easily find another woman (that’s what she thinks, but actually you can not be sure also that a man can get another girl in his life again - only God knows.). It’s ironic that she has a trust in Allah with regards to raising her children without a husband, but she forgot to trust Allah regarding what fate awaits for the woman practicing mut’ah. The fact is, even a prostitute woman who changes partner like changing underwear can find a man who will truly love her for what she is and live with her for life, how much more of a decent woman who only practices mut’ah that even the Prophet Muhammad allowed during his lifetime. Unlike prostitution, mut’ah has terms and conditions to be met.

Moreover, that Muslim lady did not practice mut’ah, but she is not sure if she will ever marry again and have a man with her in her old age. She even said that she’s happy with her children around without a man. So if she can be happy without a man, then the woman in mut’ah, or even a prostitute, can also live without a man – if that would be their fate. It depends upon the fate of a person.

The thing is, regardless if the woman is in permanent marriage, temporary marriage, or even a prostitute (or even an old-maid of 50s), there is always a man that awaits her to love her and live with her permanently should that be her fate. Or there would not be any man with her for life, even if in permanent marriage or without ever getting married at all (so-called singles), even though she's beautiful and rich and intelligent, if that is her fate. So permanent or temporary marriage, it does not matter as long as we do our duties towards Allah. It is Allah who will determine if who needs to have a partner in life for life.

So to say that mut’ah is bad on the ground of having no assurance of a partner for life is no different from permanent marriage in that matter, or the beautiful ladies, or the intelligent or the rich ones. Only Allah knows what lies ahead of everyone.

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