Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Rogue Iran

There are so many reasons why the whole world, headed by the US, should hate and fight against Iran. First, it is developing nuclear weapons for mass destruction; second, the government of Iran is committing human rights violations against its dissidents and citizens so the support and interference of the US and its allies is imperative; third, the Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared to wipe Israel off the map; fourth, that Iran is supporting or funding terrorists; fifth, that it is ruled by mullahs so the regime must be changed; and so on and so forth.

Right, if one accusation does not work, the others might work. This is what the US and its allies were doing against Iran. They have endless baseless accusations just to have a pretext to attack or demonize Iran. The fact is that the UN-IAEA was monitoring Iran’s nuclear sites 24/7 but could not find evidence of developing nuclear weapons; that democracy in Iran is very much thriving to the extent that the US and its allies need to spend hundreds of millions (if not billions) of dollars a year to finance opposition in Iran, which is an incursion into the sovereignty of Iran; and wiping Israel off the map is only a distortion of Ahmadinejad’s saying that the “dangerous” regime of Israel should be put to an end; then the fact that Al-Qaeda is a Wahhabi dominated organization, which is a hard-core anti-Shiaism (the ideology of Iran), would belie the accusation of Iran’s supporting of terrorism – unless the US and its allies mean that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization, but it is actually a legitimate resistance movement in Lebanon against the occupation of Israel; And to say that Iran is ruled by mullah is true, because it is an Islamic regime, and the mullahs are the ones who are well-versed in Islamic laws and legislations. But health-wise, it is led by medical doctors since how can you expect the mullahs to treat the cancerous patients; in education, it is headed by doctors in education or experts in educational matters; likewise in engineering and any other fields, they are not mullahs but the experts on each and every discipline.

There are other more accusations not discussed here, but it is the same – mere accusations and it is baseless or impertinent accusations. So watch out for more bullets shot.

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