Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Rogue Iran

There are so many reasons why the whole world, headed by the US, should hate and fight against Iran. First, it is developing nuclear weapons for mass destruction; second, the government of Iran is committing human rights violations against its dissidents and citizens so the support and interference of the US and its allies is imperative; third, the Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared to wipe Israel off the map; fourth, that Iran is supporting or funding terrorists; fifth, that it is ruled by mullahs so the regime must be changed; and so on and so forth.

Right, if one accusation does not work, the others might work. This is what the US and its allies were doing against Iran. They have endless baseless accusations just to have a pretext to attack or demonize Iran. The fact is that the UN-IAEA was monitoring Iran’s nuclear sites 24/7 but could not find evidence of developing nuclear weapons; that democracy in Iran is very much thriving to the extent that the US and its allies need to spend hundreds of millions (if not billions) of dollars a year to finance opposition in Iran, which is an incursion into the sovereignty of Iran; and wiping Israel off the map is only a distortion of Ahmadinejad’s saying that the “dangerous” regime of Israel should be put to an end; then the fact that Al-Qaeda is a Wahhabi dominated organization, which is a hard-core anti-Shiaism (the ideology of Iran), would belie the accusation of Iran’s supporting of terrorism – unless the US and its allies mean that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization, but it is actually a legitimate resistance movement in Lebanon against the occupation of Israel; And to say that Iran is ruled by mullah is true, because it is an Islamic regime, and the mullahs are the ones who are well-versed in Islamic laws and legislations. But health-wise, it is led by medical doctors since how can you expect the mullahs to treat the cancerous patients; in education, it is headed by doctors in education or experts in educational matters; likewise in engineering and any other fields, they are not mullahs but the experts on each and every discipline.

There are other more accusations not discussed here, but it is the same – mere accusations and it is baseless or impertinent accusations. So watch out for more bullets shot.

On Temporary Marriage (Mut'ah)

I have read about some virtues of mut’ah, or the temporary marriage, and its legitimacy in Islam, and I found them quite logical and convincing. And to further support those propositions, there is one instance I have come across that’s worth mentioning. There is this young Muslim lady who is divorced and with three children. She is an accountant and a lawyer by profession. Over the internet, she said that she does not need a man to help her support her children because she had a trust in Allah, that Allah will surely help her to raise her children. That’s quite right and a must.

Later, on the issue of mut’ah, she said that she is against mut’ah because it is unfair for a woman; that when the woman gets old, there is no man with him (that means to look after her, or care for her or for whatsoever reasons). Whereas the man can just easily find another woman (that’s what she thinks, but actually you can not be sure also that a man can get another girl in his life again - only God knows.). It’s ironic that she has a trust in Allah with regards to raising her children without a husband, but she forgot to trust Allah regarding what fate awaits for the woman practicing mut’ah. The fact is, even a prostitute woman who changes partner like changing underwear can find a man who will truly love her for what she is and live with her for life, how much more of a decent woman who only practices mut’ah that even the Prophet Muhammad allowed during his lifetime. Unlike prostitution, mut’ah has terms and conditions to be met.

Moreover, that Muslim lady did not practice mut’ah, but she is not sure if she will ever marry again and have a man with her in her old age. She even said that she’s happy with her children around without a man. So if she can be happy without a man, then the woman in mut’ah, or even a prostitute, can also live without a man – if that would be their fate. It depends upon the fate of a person.

The thing is, regardless if the woman is in permanent marriage, temporary marriage, or even a prostitute (or even an old-maid of 50s), there is always a man that awaits her to love her and live with her permanently should that be her fate. Or there would not be any man with her for life, even if in permanent marriage or without ever getting married at all (so-called singles), even though she's beautiful and rich and intelligent, if that is her fate. So permanent or temporary marriage, it does not matter as long as we do our duties towards Allah. It is Allah who will determine if who needs to have a partner in life for life.

So to say that mut’ah is bad on the ground of having no assurance of a partner for life is no different from permanent marriage in that matter, or the beautiful ladies, or the intelligent or the rich ones. Only Allah knows what lies ahead of everyone.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Worldwide Islamization

It is usually contended that since the Islamic revolution in Iran on February 1979, there have been many Islamic movements occurred all over the world. And some authors even maliciously opine that these movements are destructive. I don’t know if these ideas are intentionally to discredit the Islamic revolution of Iran as black propaganda, or mere ignorance of the fact that not all Islamic movements are in line with the ideology of Iranian revolution.

It’s true that in the US, Wahhabi Islam is active. In fact, Wahhabism is in control of most of the major Islamic centers and mosques in all of the United States. But this Wahhabism is not the same with the Shiaism of Iran. According to Stephen Schwartz, “Wahhabism is an extremist, puritanical, and violent movement. It is ultra radical that is the main source of Islamic extremist violence in the world today. Wahhabism views Shias genocidally, worthy of annihilation. It has always attacked the traditional, spiritual Islam, or Sufism that dominates Islam in the Balkans, Turkey, Central Asia, India, Malaysia, and Indonesia.”

Moreover, “Wahhabism has always maintained a two-faced policy regarding the West. It has always depended on the armed forces of the Christian nations — Britain, the U.S., and France — to secure its domination in the Arabian peninsula, while it violently attacks Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, and Buddhists, as well as traditional Sunnis, Sufis, and Shias, throughout the rest of the world. Thus, the presence of U.S. troops guarding the Saudis did not begin with the Gulf War in 1991. From 1946 to 1962 the U.S. maintained an airbase in Saudi Arabia, and before that the British assisted the Wahhabi-Saudi alliance against the Ottomans. When the Saudis needed to clear the Grand Mosque in Mecca of protestors in 1979, they employed French paratroops to kill Muslims within the walls of the mosque.”
Wahhabism is also the ideology of the extremist Taliban in Afghanistan. Everywhere in the world that is an extremist or intolerant Islamic movement is Wahhabi Islam. Or in other words, every individual Muslim who is illogical or irrational is Wahhabi. They should not be equated with the Shiites everywhere in the world who are mostly the paradigm of a genuine Islam.
Take for example the bullying of the West (particularly the US) of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is responded with patience even if Iran has the capability to block the supply of oil to the world and thus paralyzing it, and to attack Israel, the main ally and chief adviser of the US. Further, the US genocide of Iraqi Shiites was met with the demand for a democratic election, which forced the US to concede and hence the setting up a Shia-dominated Iraqi politics (take note that there is still violence all over Iraq committed by the Zionists to discredit the Shia leadership but the Premier is playing with the tune of the US to avoid confrontation with the warmongers and thus protecting the Iraqis as a whole from the worst scenario). And all over the whole world, the Shiites are like the termites that eat the building’s foundation silently and suddenly collapse the whole building. That’s the Shia way. Silent, patient, works hard, then boom – the US is bankrupt, Zionism is dead, and the true Islam is enthroned.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

JIHAD IN MINDANAO - no light at the end of the tunnel

It has been some decades ago since the inception of modern jihad of the people in Mindanao, the Bangsamoro or the Moros. (This is termed ‘modern jihad’ because it is conceived just about four decades ago, and the proponent groups are still active up to now – the MNLF and the MILF.) And these four decades of struggle is supposed to have born fruit if compared to the jihad of Prophet Muhammad’s 23 years. This is considering the advanced telecommunications and transportations today, and Mindanao is only very small compared to what is now Saudi Arabia. During the time of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), they were only using horses and camels as their mode of transportation and communication. No cars, no airplanes, nor cellular phones or the internet.

But he was a prophet, some may say. But nay, he was also a human being. The only advantage he had was his good judgment or prudence regarding tactics and strategies. In Islam, the basis for good thinking is piety and sincerity, or righteousness. Then certainly Allah will help in strategizing. However, I did not categorically say that Prof. Nur Misuari and the late Ustadz Salamat Hashim have dubious personalities – it is up to you to evaluate. Mine is only a personal analysis. Whether you agree with me or not is upon your own discretion.

The other factor of failure to succeed on jihad in Mindanao, aside from leadership, might lay on the philosophy practiced by the two groups. MNLF is more on nationalism, and the MILF is the Sunni Islam (more likely it is a Wahhabi branch of Sunnism, or a Salafi). I do not mean to create dissension here if I have inevitably touched of sectarianism. Like it or not, sectarianism is “in the air”. I am just trying to somewhat dissect here what I think is another cause of our failure to establish an Islamic system of life in Mindanao. Whether you are a Sunni or a Shia, it does not matter much, stay where you are and just think or reflect of the good points being discussed here.

Everywhere in this world, not a single Muslim state that stood up against the onslaught of imperialism, or the ever mysterious Zionism, had succeeded except the Islamic Republic of Iran. Khadafy of Libya is now tamed. Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, everywhere, they are at the mercy of Zionism. Iraq and Lebanon do seem to see a light at the end of the tunnel - how ever much they are in big trouble nowadays. And the school of thought of these Persians (and majority Iraqi and Lebanese) is the Imamate. Right, they are Shiites or Shias. They are shias (followers) of the Islam of Ali ibn Abu Talib, the right-hand man of Prophet Muhammad and his legitimate successor.

Once and for all, if we Moro people could not succeed until now with all the privileges and recognitions given to us by the International bodies (the UN and OIC) and even by the Philippine government itself (the ARMM), then maybe it is time to experiment with the Imamiah school of thought. We have never been united under the present ideologies. Perhaps under this Imamiah can we get unified like the mighty Iran.

Come on, think of it. Give it a break. Let us free ourselves from bigotry. Let’s accept the truth and be free from ignorance. Let’s get united and free ourselves from oppression. Ask those who know.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Iqraa (Read, or Proclaim)!

Read! In the name of thy Lord
Who made man from a clot of blood.
Read! And your Lord is Most Generous.
(Holy Qur’an 96:1)

This verse of the Holy Qur’an is the first revealed by Allah to His Prophet Muhammad, especially the word ‘read’. If the word read is the first revealed, then it must be the most important. And take note that Muhammad (s.a.w.) was only an instrument of communication between Allah and the human kind. Therefore, reading is the foremost commandment of Allah enjoined to mankind. And Allah’s commandment is not without compensation. Verily, He promised that He is Most Generous to those who read. Generosity means giving, and you can just imagine how Allah gives – it is actually unimaginable, because He is the Most Generous of the generous.

This commandment was given more than a thousand years ago, yet is still as applicable and indispensable today. This only proves once again that the Holy Qur’an is truly living and timeless. As a matter of fact, Alvin Toffler (the author of the best-selling book The Third Wave), said that knowledge is power and wealth. Reading would give rise to power and wealth, which Allah promised. Is it not that what everyone needs in this material world is power and wealth? Then read! Experience and feel the generosity of Allah.

Take a lesson from all the great men that have lived on this world. Adolf Hitler ruled about half of Europe, and he was a reader of many books. The ancient Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were educators, therefore they lived on books. The wealthiest man Bill Gates must be a bookish as he looks. The late President Marcos was also scholarly. The school drop-out President Erap Estrada had most likely read a lot too since he is intelligent and could speak English very well despite having not made to higher education and had not lived in the English world.. And so on, and so forth. Try to find out the biographies of great men and see how they read too much.

Iqraa means also proclaim. Hence, if one had read enough and learned a lot, he/she must share what was learned. “The more you give the more you receive”. Otherwise, the blessings of Allah would be limited too.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

False-Flag Black Operations

How many times have we heard of a crime committed by an unknown personality but which the authorities and the media blamed it on another person? Especially when that authority is the government itself and the media is controlled by that government or owned by those people behind the government that supports it and benefit from it as well. Perhaps you might tell that you did not know of anything of that sort. Or if ever you have any knowledge of something like that, at least it is of a petty crime.

However, throughout the history of mankind, at least the historical one, there have been many instances like that – and it was no petty crime at all, but some very sensational crimes; some even carved our history, which were never resolved or were covered-up. One turning point of history was the bombing of the World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2 and 7 in New York on September 11, 2001. No scientific or logical analyst could believe the official US government story that Muslim terrorists were behind the killings of thousands of people and destruction of those buildings. All the evidences point not to any Muslims, but it was an ‘inside-job’. Have you watched the movie Fahrenheit 9/11? Aside from those shown on that movie are still a lot more issues that can blame on the Muslims’ (or Islam’s) enemies - the Zionists and Christian fundamentalists like George W. Bush. Did you learn of the five dancing young Israelis on the top of their van not far from the scene caught merry-making while watching through telescopes the crumbling of WTC? That was a story of one lady who was amazed of what she saw of those young people. Take note that this 9/11 was the pretext of US’ attack and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq.

How about the Bali, Indonesia bombing? It was found that the bomb used in that resort (and also the Marriott Hotel bombing) was a mini nuke (a small nuclear bomb). And who do you think has the access to that kind of weaponry but the US and Israel. The Russians and the Chinese has not the motivations to terrorize or commit false-flag ops against Muslims. And France is also ruled by Zionism, and it is the same rulers of the US and Israel. Another nuclear-powered India and Pakistan are lapdogs of these same superpowers. The intelligence service of Pakistan, the ISI (the alleged financer or backer of Jamaah Islami), is CIA-controlled.

London bombing, Madrid bombing, Superferry bombing, Abu Sayyaf (CIA-baby too) bombings – all of these are false-flag ops against Muslims. They really hate Muslims and Islam – especially the super elites of them, because the ideology of Islam is a threat to their imperialist designs.

What about the almost-daily bombings of the innocent Iraqi civilians – including women and children? All of these are blamed on Al-Qaeda (isn’t Al-Qaeda a brainchild of US-CIA?), if it was aimed against the Shia Muslims; and on Shiites were it to be committed to the Sunnis. The aim is to sow dissension among the Muslims. You may not have heard of the two Britons caught in Iraq with bombs, who were later rescued from the Police station by heavily-armed men in powerfully-armored vehicles. There were also two Americans caught as well in Iraq with bombs too. And how many 'two operatives' not caught and successfully carried out their plots? And who knows, this 'Britons' or 'Americans' are actually Israeli Mossads? The truth of the matter is that these operatives of Zionism were the real culprits – Mossad, CIA, MI6, and some other mercenaries. Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda are only dummies for US’ war against Islam to further control the oil and the world.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Islam and Ali

Have you fully realized what Islam is?
It is indeed a religion founded on truth.
It is such a fountain-head of learning that several streams of wisdom and knowledge flow from it.
It is such a lamp that several lamps will be lighted from it.
It is such a lofty beacon of light illuminating the path of Allah.
It is such a set of principles and beliefs that will fully satisfy every seeker of truth and reality.
Know you all that Allah had made Islam the most sublime path for the attainment of His supreme pleasure and the highest standard of His worship and obedience.
He has favored it with noble precepts, exalted principles, undoubtable arguments, unchallengeable supremacy and undeniable wisdom.
It is up to you to maintain the eminence and dignity granted to it by the Lord, to follow it sincerely, to do justice to its articles of faith and belief, to obey implicitly its tenets and orders, and to give it the proper place in your lives.

The statement above is the words of Imam Ali (a.s.) about Islam. Imam Ali was considered as the father of Arabic grammar. The above example can attest how lofty was his eloquence. Among the ‘sahabah’ (companions) of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), he was also the bravest and most powerful against the enemies of Islam, yet the most pious in worship. He was also the most learned in material and spiritual knowledge. He had all the qualities of a Muslim leader. Actually, he was a divine leader appointed by Allah to succeed the last Prophet of Allah.

Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib was the first cousin of the Prophet. His father Abu Talib was the uncle of the Prophet who reared him (the Prophet) from childhood to maturity until he got married. Likewise, Ali was adopted by the Prophet since childbirth until the Prophet married him to his (the Prophet’s) beloved daughter, Fatima az-Zahra. This very close relationship may be one reason why the Prophet once said that “Ali is from me, and I am from Ali.” Other quotations of the Prophet about Ali were: “Ali, you are to me what Aaron was to Moses. Except that there would be no more Prophet after me.” (Meaning, that Ali was the rightful successor to the Prophet.) “I am the sea of knowledge, and Ali is the door unto it.” (Meaning, that the Prophet knows everything and he bequeathed that knowledge to Ali only, therefore Muslims should learn from Ali, especially with regards to the sunnah of the Prophet.)

Imam Ali’s divinity manifested early in his life. Extraordinarily, he was born inside the holiest of places – the Ka’bah itself. He was also the champion of Islam from childhood till the later part of his life. In the beginning of the Prophet’s call to Islam, only the mere ten years old Ali who responded affirmatively among the (kith and) kin of the Prophet. And on the first battle of Islam on the place called Badr, Ali was one of the three flag- bearers who vanquished the enemies and astonished the others. Likewise on the second major battle in Uhud and many other battles where he was the “champion”, after the Prophet, of course.

Unfortunately, after the death of the Prophet, the fate of Islam was entrusted by the majority of the Muslims to Abubakr instead of its rightful owner, Ali ibn Abu Talib, disregarding what the Prophet emphatically ordered during his life time. Hence, insecurity and corruption crept over the ‘Din’ of Allah – that is, Islam.

Nevertheless, by the grace of Allah, the Islam of the Prophet and that of Ali continued with Ali's shias (followers). How ever the Majority (led by the caliphs) persecuted the minority shias, the shias (led by the succeeding Imams from the ahlul bayt) managed to preserve the original Islam throughout the centuries and empowered themselves despite of the odds. Today, the Islam of the shias is dominating the international scene, and the caliph's and its followers' powers and influence no more. This time, it is the West's turn to marginalize the power of the true Islam. But like their predecessors (fallacy of the caliphs), they would be buried into disgrace. Verily, Allah did say in the Holy Qur'an that He will preserve it (the Qur'an, and Islam of course) from the mischiefs of His enemies.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Fabrication of an Enemy

I am wondering how the US knew the details of the successor of the Iraq's Al-Qaeda "slain" leader Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi just immediately after the "killing" of Zarqawi. It reminds me of the identification of the WTC bombers right after that bombing on 9/11/2001. Without further investigation, the US officials pinpointed Al-Qaeda group the culprit of WTC bombing. But just two weeks ago (June 2006), the FBI itself said that there is no hard evidence against Al-Qaeda on 9/11 - and that is after all the bombings of Afghanistan to avenge the 9/11, then of course the 3 years of Iraq war alleging Saddam Hussein as accomplice in 9/11 terrorism, among other allegations.

It is not also far from the Western media story of the multiple killings of Zarqawi himself. Again and again, there appears on the Western media that Zarqawi has been killed. Then a week ago, "finally" Zarqawi is dead - again. Even Zarqawi's right-hand man, assistant, second-man, lieutenant (name-it-what) is always killed - and that is merely for propaganda. Zarqawi's lieutenants "killed" was never ending. It numbered about two or three hundred "lieutenants", according to one writer.

Is it not that this Zarqawi successor another legendary story of the US on the so-called war on terrorism? Canadian Prof. Michel Chossudovsky said that Zarqawi did not at all exist. Who can believe that a Muslim can kill Shia Muslims who before did not fight their Sunni brethren in Iraq. ? There were two Britons caught with bombs in Iraq. Might it not that they who do the bombings in Iraq here and there? And can it not be that those two Britons are Mossads, or CIA? They could be disguising as Britons. Besides, there were also Americans caught in Iraq also with bombs. But I did not hear any Muslims caught with bombs. All I could hear is Al-Qaeda bombed this and that. In fact, Al-Qaeda is created by the US, according to Chossudovsky - just as the Abu Sayyaf of the Philippines is also a CIA-baby, according to Senator Nene Pimentel. It is easy to tell a story without evidence. After all, the Big 4 of media (AP, Reuter, UPI and AFP) are owned by these Zionists, including CNN, Foxnews, BBC, and others more.

Then I wonder no more if the US knows the details of Zarqawi's successor this early (even if Egypt acknowledged they do not know who this "Egyptian" guy is). I have concluded that this is another fabrication of an enemy. So watch out for more bombings committed by this (fake) Zarqawi successor - under the guidance of the Mossad and CIA - to sow violence and discord in Iraq.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

US in the Phils.

There was economic crisis in the East Asia during the presidency of Erap, and all the East Asian giants (including Japan and Malaysia) were affected. But not the Philippines under Erap Estrada - the Philippine economy was soaring instead, remember?. But to the reason I cannot explain, it was alleged that the Philippine economy was going down, hence the call of many peoples for Erap to step down (particularly the elitist civil society and the business). This is no different from the Civil Society against Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, the military, and the business people - absolutely CIA landmarks.

I think the real reason of Estrada's eviction was US' hand behind the scene. Was it not that US military activity in the Philippines was curtailed during Erap Estrada? And the US was made to pay handsomely to the use of our facilities? Besides, there are many more reasons for the US to get rid of Erap Estrada and install a "tuta" in Malacanang so that they can continue to exploit our nation.

After Erap, then what? How is the Philippines nowadays? Perhaps those innocent Filipinos who rose up against Erap have regretted to put the GMA into Malacanang. The Philippines now is in shambles. The poor can feel the hopelessness of their miserable life.

It's time to be aware of US' evil. The filipinos should unite against the US. The Christian Filipinos should not think that the US is the bastion of Christianity. Wrong. There is Department of Global Anti-Semitism in the US, but not Department of Global Anti-Christianity. Right, the US is more concern of Zionism than Christianity. Christianity is only a facade of the US, exploited to rule the Philippines. Di ba noong panahon pa ni Jose Rizal ginagamit ang Kristiyanismo laban sa ating mga Pilipino?

This Zionism

This Zionism is controlling the world to satisfy their greedy appetite for destruction. The most recent operation they did is to bomb the WTC then blamed it to the terrorist, aka Muslim extremists. But it is found out now that it was an inside-job, done by the neocons in the Bush administration. Then they massacred the Afghans, and look what's happening in Iraq, not to mention hundreds of thousands already killed in the three years of US 'liberation' of Iraq, and its 'democratization'. And now Iran.